Our Network

This interactive map includes featured guests in our lecture series, along with members of our research collective. Each line traces a personal migration route. Together, these paths illustrate trends of movement over the Mediterranean Sea and across the Atlantic Ocean.

You can explore the map by clicking on individual names, paths, or highlighted points. This will isolate a specific path, and a popup will appear with biographical details and links for the selected individual. To return to view all paths, close the popup or click “show all paths.” You can stop the animated lines using the toggle switch labeled “animation.”

Maps reflect and perpetuate relations of power. The basemap used for this project was developed by Mapbox, a commercial provider which compiles its data from open sources, such as OpenStreetMap and NASA, and from purchased proprietary data sources. The map uses Web Mercator projection. Mapbox software was selected for use in this project because it aligns with the University of Notre Dame’s web accessibility standards and guidelines for software use.  

There are many exciting projects using critical cartography to make visible the power relations produced by maps and to develop more just mapping practices. Projects like Palestine Open Maps, which allows users to view data and stories about present and erased localities, and Native Land Digital, which produces maps that represent Indigenous nations and people on their own terms, are of particular relevance to our research collective.

Map developed by Amira Hanafi.